Harpy Hox is a diversified artist that relishes the inquisition of medium. She (so far) explores illustration in the forms of both digital and traditional, woodworking, fiber, writing, and more recently has begun bookbinding. Harpy has two degrees. She received her BFA in Craft/Material Studies in 2019, and a BS in Business in 2020 both from VCU.
What of her artist statement? Well, everything created is an extension of oneself. What piece or iterations of work she creates are a reflection of a mental state of influence she holds in a blip of time. If there is deeper conceptual adherence or association to those works, it lives in the subconscious. The obsession lies with what renderings through her imagination and skill are possible with different medium outlets. She enjoys having many abilities and finds it dry as an artist to only explore one thing.
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” -Franz Kafka